Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dear Lord, I gone 'n dunnit agin...

... though not to worry, I didn't just buy more fabric, I did pretty things with some I got earlier.

I do apologize for the general crappiness of the images, but my old friend point-and-shoot camera now only takes 4 pictures on full batteries and refuses to turn on after that. And the charged batteries are 2 flights of stairs away from me, and I just can't be bothered to go get them. I already took my after-dinner-nap, you see?

Anyway, did you behold the pretty bad image of the pretty cute jeans skirt? It's very pretty, and it fits me as well! It took some hard work and some muttered swearing because the fabric is so tough, you can stand the skirt up without too much effort, just by itself. That makes me a little apprehensive for its first washing, but we'll see. It's about knee-length, before you ask, and that odd looking curve is the bottom of top-layer of the front skirt. It's one of my better projects so far, I really like how the fancy stitching worked out. Might wear it to work tomorrow, but then again, I might not, therapy late afternoon does not co-exist with skirts very well.

Now that there is a great gaping hole in my stash from the used jeans, I had a chance to go by market this morning, as we had to attend a meeting in the down-town building of UWV. I still don't quite get what we were supposed to take out of it, but I suppose being in the know about the numbers that mean very little to me is going to make me feel part of the UWV-Uitkeren family. Not really, not until they offer me a contract and take me away from the mean people at Randstad. Long story short, I had the chance to go by Grumpy Man on the market, and bought me some new stuffs. It's pretty too, but I worry about my pre-occupation with jersey these days. Bought some more black with pretty colours a few weeks back, as well as some leather for the hubby, who immediately planned to use it in the car. Not what I had planned, but there you go I suppose. Anyway, here they are.

I did already mention the "Therapy" word. It was going pretty well, or so I thought, and so he thought. Right up until the moment I finished Scriptfrenzy and decided to celebrate with wine rather than that cup of tea. It was a national holiday after all. I put back the cork and screwed everything up. Should've finished the bottle, but there you go. Moderation can be bad for you, don't you forget it. So now I'm thrown back a number of weeks, and getting pretty peed off with it. It hurt when I opened a closed door with my elbow. It hurt when I opened and opened door with my elbow. It hurt when I buttoned my pants this morning, and when I tried to close my belt. It hurt when I adjusted the panel of my jacket that got stuck behind the strap of my bag.

I must become a leftie for a number of weeks.

Which isn't working out very well so far. No coordination whatsoever, but I'm determined to move my computer mouse and try to relieve the arm that way. It's just not happy in general, feeling stiffer than before, and still doing that awkward and painful popping every once in a while. Mr. Torturer told me we have 6 months to work it out this way, which is absolutely doable, before we're going to take "different steps". Different Steps aren't any good. They're bad. Must practise more and more often. In fact, as soon as I'm done here, I will.

Last but not least a special message for Heidi and Nell.

Crunches hurt, but working hard. Belly sore, but will persist. Must not be chubby next week!

1 comment:

nell said...


looking forward to our weekend out in the land!
