Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Templesmith Chronicles

EXT. A field - night

A starry night. A field underneath a canopy of stars. In the distance a disturbance in the flowing grasses.

ZOOM IN: disturbance

A man in a dark suit, smart but a little shaggy around the shoulders is bent over a young woman in a flowing dress laying in the grass. He is making certain advances, trying to hike the dress up from around her ankles.

A mindblowing roar

The man looks up and we see his face. He doesn't look well. Sallow skin and sunken eyes. Something seems to hang out of one of them. He looks up.

Cracks appear in the dark sky. Some of the bright stars seem to quiver. A tear appears, revealing a bright white light, which gets brighter as the crack opens wider. Some stars get pulled in, then more and more until the ground upon which the couple sit starts to move.


The earth is getting sucked into the crack. The woman is grabbing hold of some tufts of tall grass. She still screams until her skins gets sucked off her bones as the field disappears into the bright hole. The man remains calm. He stands up and straightens his tie as the bones of the feet of the woman rattle into the crack.

Oh crap.


Ravi said...

i approve of this story. however i question the plurality of skins.

Unknown said...

It's a work in progress, and Wormwood is a special kind of special. more to come later

Ravi said...

special is the best kind of special!

i eagerly await more words.