Monday, September 12, 2005


independant hostels suck. granted, this one looks moderately less icky than the onther one, it's also at least a half hr walk from the bus i need to get back to the station at 7.30am tomorrow. i'm going back ti HI tomorrow, so it's just one day. this place looks like my room just before i get the urge to clean. yes, it's that bad. and in Denver no less. there are laundry facilities, but they are being used. well. the washing machine is full. guess i'll be doing that in SF as well. better get my sweater back out of my laundry bag. the train is cold. outside is warm, so i really need stuff washed. at least i washed myself now, so that's improvement. i'll be ordering a cab to the station tomorrow, i'm done with walking around with that heavy beast on my back. anyway, got to try and do something remotely usefull, like eating. Denver sure must have some food. i saw a starbucks on the way. that's just one half hour walk and a ride on the bus away. can you see me cheering? i bet not, else your eyes are playing tricks on you. bleh


Anonymous said...

You poor thing :(. "Starbucks Oasis". That'd make a nice song title. Now where's my country'n western guitar.

Unknown said...


/me likes de frappachino mucho!!!!

kweet zeker dat er op dat keyboardje van jou wel een country knopje zit ;)