Friday, September 23, 2005

woaaaaaaah said the squirelly..... that's a big fucking hole!!!! now where did i throw that acorn at.........

that would be this particular one.....

wow..... i wonder who put that hole in the ground, and why. it's really really really pretty, and HUGE!!!!! but i don't see any other use for it...... not that it needs it, but it must've been really inconvenient too at some point in time. 'neways, some more pics here.....

apparently i was there too. notice the sweater, jeans and scarf. add to that the fact that i am actually in Arizona, where it's always warm. bleh, i got a sore throat, a swolen gland in my neck, and just a then a little fever too. yay! i get to the biggest hole in the ground you've ever seen and i get sick.....

ok ok, you can't see the scarf. but i'm wearing it, believe me. at least by now, the fever has gone, and with it the muscle aches. today, before driving to santa fe, we went to the petrified forrest and the painted desert. (<------ see that? desert..... guess what happened in the desert, today AND yesterday..... yes, it rained) but it was really cool and we didn't get rained on, and most of all, it wasn't too hot either.

lots more where that came from, but now i'm peckish ( 10.30pm on a burger and a bacon sandwich) and we apparently need an eraser and some nivea. so i'm off for now, sure i'll post again soon........

btw a change in plans due to these silly hurricanes. seems like there's another one about to hit. close to Houston this time so i'm told. so the roads are all full and therefor no Austin right now. so we're on to Carlsbad tomorrow, where they have caves, after we hit the art quarter here. from there, i guess it's on to Greenville, TX.

PS. congrats Theresa!

DG (or any other PR member reading this) hope you got away without too much trouble. hope to see you soon.

BYE!!!!! or as they seem to say around here.... ADIOS!!!!


Anonymous said...

Very VET!
Ik zou willen dat ik was waar jij nu bent!(was) Ik ben blij dat je nog niet in de danger zone bent, maakt Wade zich zorgen over thuis of loopt het daar niet echt gevaar?
Ik heb trouwens net bij de bloedbank te horen gekregen dat ik 2 maanden geen bloed mag geven omdat ik misschien West-Nijl virus heb opgelopen in The States! (nooit van gehoord, jij wel?!!)
Ik denk dat jij het al hebt, hahaha.. Nee hoor, ik weet niet wat de symptomen zijn. Anyway, bedankt voor de geheime info, have fun en tot mails!
-x- Heidi

Anonymous said...

Hallo dames, ik heb net even gegoogled: west-nijl virus heeft de symptomen van griep,oa.opgezette lympheklieren en koorts. Verdwijnt binnen enkele dagen zonder gevolgen. Klinkt bekent hè Judith?

Anonymous said...

hey zus,

de auto is nu echt overgeschreven ;) blij dat je 't nu toch erg naar je zin lijkt te hebben :)

enjoy de rest! (en blijf een beetje weg van die orkaan, okay?)


Anonymous said...

Ben ik helemaal vergeten te vragen: hoe smaakt de koffie?

Unknown said...

de koffie is slootwater. maar de frappachinos zijn net caffiatos, dus da's best te overleven. orkaan is al lang weg, net als het west-nijl virus. verder is het hier erg warm. errug warm. blij dat ie overgeschreven is, scheelt weer in de verzekering.....