Wednesday, April 18, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Unsprung


There's still something to show you! I haven spun anything since whenever I last told you I did. I guess the white merino/some-sort-of-plastic-mix is just not appealing enough for me right now. Soonish I might get the rescue wheel cleaned and fixed, so I'll have 2 working wheels to keep going. Maybe that will help.*

I'm working with my handspun Sound of Music, and as you can see by the state of that cake, quite a bit of it has found its way into a project. I think I named it Windswept. It's stripy and I'm happy I mixed the length of the colour repeats, as that now means it's messy striped instead of fixed and ruled by the pattern alone. 

It's an interesting pattern, which leads to a shawl/scarf shape by adding different triangles on top of one another. It's different all right, and adding a new triangle after every few repeats (except for the middle part, which has a whopping 13 4-row repeats) makes this stockinette and garter stitch pattern very entertaining indeed. 

Because of the simple patterning, it's really nice for a self-striping yarn. This yarn doesn't need much, because it already attracts enough attention on its own. As much as I love luxury brand or indie dyed yarn, there isn't anything like making something from something you already made yourself. Does that make sense?

Looks like Spring, right? Look closely, I did a little tricksy. Our mulberry tree gets chopped back every Autumn, or it will cover half the garden and the pathway behind that wall. *Some* people who use the path don't enjoy hacking their way through our tree on their way to *important stuff*.** It looks awful like this, but once it starts up, it'll be blocking my way out in no time at all. 

Spot that. That, dear reader, is not dew. It's rain. Good for the garden, yes. I understand that bit.

But it makes our Japanese maple look so sad! We've had a few nights of frost in a row, so I sure hope the leaves will perk up a bit when the temperature gets back to normal. Spring definitely seems unsprung from where I'm standing***

At least the vines are waking up. I thought I should mention that... priorities, right?

 *maybe not
** or whatever
***in full rain regalia, fleece jacket, wool socks, gloves, wool cap.

1 comment:

Ammerins said...

Mooooooi dat garen zeg! En die tuin, tja, even de ogen dichthouden en alleen kijken als de zon schijnt ;)