Monday, August 22, 2005

een dag later...... - a day after the day before

het was feest!

en dus cadeaux!!!!!

meiden, joost, gerda en leo en monique en christ en kitty, dik en ingrid en de meiden: bedankt voor de enveloppen, dvds, ketting, tas en moleskine :)
twas erg gezellig en ben blij jullie weer allemaal gezien te hebben, maar die foto van mezelf op de gsm moet wel overnieuw.... wat errug zeg.

plannen voor deze week:

Howl's Moving Castle
winkelen maar geen geld uitgeven
uit eten met de meiden

en natuurlijk:
  1. punt voor spaans achterhalen
  2. scriptie digitaliseren
  3. scriptie inleveren in de bibliotheek + bewijs van inleveren
  4. verzekering bellen ivm met 3 maanden weg
  5. broek maken
  6. Heidi moet haar ov inleveren
  7. uitschrijven Groningen
  8. apotheek + medicijnen paspoort
we had a party!

a party means presents!!!

girls, joost, gerda and leo and monique and christ and kitty and dik andn ingrid and the girls:
thanx for the enveloppes, dvds, necklace, bag and moleskine :)
twas good to see you all again, i had a great time, but that pic of me on my phone has to go...... it's horrible!

plans for this week:

Howl's Moving Castle
shopping but not spending
dinner with the girls!

and of course:
  1. get my grade for spanish
  2. digitalise research paper
  3. hand research paper over to library + receive receipt
  4. call insurance concerning 3 month leave
  5. reconstruct jeans
  6. unregister at Groningen
  7. Heidi has to hand in her ov
  8. chemists + medicine passport


Anonymous said...

hey judith, cool blog you got here. i promise i'll read it religiously the next couple of months. your blog's rss feed has already established a nice and shiny place on my mozilla bookmarks toolbar folder to help me live up to that vow. oh, and if you're out there and you seem to have lost connection to the net, you know where to reach me. you've seen my powerful |33+ internet-connection-reestablish sk1llz0rs :D. cheers and hugs. joost.

Unknown said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah =insert amazing smilie here=

i bet you haven't heard of 'elvetjeism' yet..... you can become a follower too! please contact the new-members officer at :p