Wednesday, March 30, 2011

WIP Wednesday, Spring Is In The Air And In My Head

...and it's making me feel a bit like this. Clouds, cotton buds, (snot) filtering everything going in and coming out, so it's all a bit fuzzy around the edges. I believe every tree in a 10 mile radius around my head is doing its pollen thing right now, and boy, it's hitting me hard. I've already keeled over twice this evening, and it's not even 9.30pm yet.

You may have noticed that there also wasn't a Scottish Sunday. I have one prepared, but I don't think I'll put it up here. Karma keeps trying to kick my butt, and this time it came armed with an administrative person with little common sense or sense of duty. You know the types, they sit and put in just enough effort to keep the job, but do little towards thinking *with* the client (i.e. me).

Well, they did enough to pull the rug of progression out from under my feet (very abridged version of original post) but I Shall Not Be Defeated by the powers (or lack thereof) of the (insert very nasty name-calling which shall not be repeated to the unwitting public) person who is in a way a colleague in another office.

I sincerely pity the people who do not have the wit, the ability or the knowledge to stand up for themselves. This is a bureaucratic beast in which are many dis-functional little cogs which don't stop it from running but make it unloved by the general public nonetheless.

Combine the rug-pulling with the copious amounts of snot being produced in my head, and there you have it, no WIP Wednesday pictures. However, I shall be going to the Breidag (Joyous Day of Knitting) and I shall be Learning New Things! and possibly find a few cheapeaux things to bring home. No more Yarn, spinning fibre only. I can make my own yarns, thankyouverymuchindeed.

Lets hope I catch me some of that wind to blow out the cobwebs so I won't forget to take pictures of our Estonian Knitting course!

Finally, for your entertainment (and mine), please listen to Louise Hunt's CaithnessCraftCollective, because her podcasts are Scottish Sundays and WIP Wednesdays all rolled into one! (and then some).

I'll report back soon, promise, with new pictures of pretty knitting?

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