Wednesday, January 05, 2011

WIP Wednesday, hysterically yours (and an announcement)

Hold on, it's not me. I saw you thinking "did she finally realise?"

No, I didn't. I'm still trying to hang on to a smidgen of sanity, and according to my therapist, I AM. So there.

(mind you, by the time you finish reading this, you might reconsider)

No, last week, the Texan went home (I did mention that, did I not?) and I spun some hysterically colourful yarn. I love it so much, that I took some more pictures of it, for your pleasure only (and mine)

Since then, there was a lot more knitting. O.W.L.S. is moving along like a high speed train, only more soft and wearable! The short row option of making it fit seems to be working out, find the instructions I used here at knotions. Unfortunately, it only shows up as a black blob in pictures when I'm not wearing it, and since it's not done, I'm not wearing it. I'm up to the part where the arms get added to the round, and I've got half an arm done, so there. Not too bad for a week's worth of knitting.

I did do more spinning, the results of which you can see below. The first two are the same skein (duh) which added up to 183 meters of moorit Shetland wool, in a light fingering weight. It's lovely to work with and squishy and soft.
The last picture is of 63 meters of Corriedale I received for my birthday from Japan (and Ashford), and I find it a nightmare to spin with. I'm not sure if that's the sheep's fault, but there you go.

Finally, an announcement!
I can't keep using my appointments as the only reason to Do Something Significant About My Future (she won't be there forever because my insurance just won't cover), so as an incentive to have Something Significant to say every week, I'm starting a second blog this Sunday. Judith not only goes USA (sometime, surely), but also Scotland (achievable, and sometime soon). I'll be inviting you to help me out with that quest. You'll not disappoint me, will you?

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